-The answer is simple mathematics. Reduced revenue + increased spending ='s increased debt-
The two biggest promises of "Trickle Down Economics" are it's greatest failings. Proponents of "Trickle Down Economics” claim that tax cuts, skewed to the rich, will create jobs and increase tax revenues. The graph above disproves the latter claim. Job creation plummets under "Trickle Down Economics (http://bureaucountydems.blogspot.com/p/job-growth.html )and nine of the last ten recessions have occurred under Republican leadership ( http://bureaucountydems.blogspot.com/p/history-of-recessions.html ).
Two things are certain to grow when a Republican is in the White House, unemployment and the National Debt.
By contrast, "Bubble Up" economnic priciples practiced by Democratic Administrations put people to work, rev up the economy, and balance the Nation's ledger books. Every time. No exceptions.